IVF to save our future kids from Blindness


IVF to save our future kids from Blindness

IVF Egg Retrieval Supplements to Help with Egg Quality + Quantity

After my first egg retrieval, I didn’t get the embryo numbers I was expecting. Out of 5 retrieved eggs, 3 were mature and fertilized and 1 embryo made it to blast. This single embryo was chromosomally abnormal.

My IVF Dr. provided me with a list of egg retrieval supplements for women over 35 or women with lower egg quality or quantity (that’s me). I researched to find what I think are the best versions of each supplement at a reasonable price point (some less reasonable than others). You’ll want to start taking these supplements 3 months before your egg retrieval!

Below is what I take daily and when:

Morning (after food)NoonAfter DinnerBedtime
Prenatal N-Acetyl-Cysteine (100mg)Fish Oil (1400mg)Melatonin (5mg)
CoQ10 (100mg)CoQ10 (100mg)Pycnogenol (100mg)
DHEA (25mg)DHEA (25mg)DHEA (25mg)
Vitamin CPrebiotic/Probiotic
*Please check with your Dr before taking any of these recommended supplements as your needs may differ from mine

I began taking the above egg retrieval supplements daily for 3 months leading up to egg retrieval number 2, along with a few more recommended additions and a protocol adjustment. I have since completed my 5th egg retrieval as of January 2024, and have been on these supplements from March 2023 through January of 2024

Egg Retrieval 2: 8 Retrieved, 6 Mature, 5 Fertilized, 4 made it to Blast, 2 Embryos PGTA/PGTM Healthy

Egg Retrieval 3: 6 Retrieved, 5 Mature, 5 Fertilized, 4 made it to Blast, 2 Embryos PGTA/PGTM Healthy

Egg Retrieval 4: 8 Retrieved, 5 Mature, 4 Fertilized, 2 made it to Blast, 1 Embryos PGTA/PGTM Healthy

Egg Retrieval 5: 13 Retrieved,11 Mature, 9 Fertilized, 8 made it to Blast, 2 Embryos PGTA/PGTM Healthy

These numbers are far beyond my wildest dreams. I can’t attribute all the success to these supplements, but I do believe at least a portion of this increase can be thanks to the above dream team of egg retrieval supplements.

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